27 week update/Getting back into shape after Baby.

First, the "Bumpdate"
How Far Along:
27 Weeks 7 days (I know, I'm pretty much 28 weeks but I wanted to do one more update before I hit my 3rd Trimester)
Size of Baby:
A rutabaga (I really want to know who comes up with these random fruits/vegetables, a rutabaga really?) 
Stretch Marks:
I have 2, one where my belly button ring once was (they also used it when I got my gallbladder out) and another on my scar from my gallbladder surgery.
Maternity Clothes:
Yes. Yoga pants, leggings and tunics are going to be my BFFs this fall/winter.
Baby boy :) 
He's a mover and a shaker, but he's on his own schedule. He gets really active when I first get to work (probably from my coffee and breakfast!), then lulls down and usually starts up again before I'm getting ready to go home. Then he likes to get up in the middle of then night for a karate match.  I'm interested to see if this will be his schedule when he is born. 
Sleep? What is that? I can't seem to sleep for longer than two hours so most days I am a zombie. 
What I miss:
Wine and sleep..walking up stairs without huffing and puffing. 
Food Cravings:
None, still. Sometimes I'll think "Mmm this random food sounds delicious!" but it hasn't gotten to the point where I HAVE to have it.
Food Aversions:
None really. 
Sleeplessness, achey, headaches.. 
What I'm Looking Forward To:
All the fun things happening in October including my baby shower! :)
Now, onto the other half of my subject title! 
As I'm nearing the last few months of my pregnancy, I've been thinking about how I'm planning on getting back into shape once this little guy is born. I'm not under any false impressions that I'm going to actually have a whole lot of time to work out when he is here, but I'm hoping that I'll be able to get back to eating the "healthier" way and really sticking to my calorie limits. I think in my head I am not worried about it as I have done it before so I know that I can do it again. I'll definitely be utilizing MFP once again as well as my "motivators" that have helped me along the way (You know who you are!). This blog will go back to being what it originally was, a weight loss/healthier lifestyle type blog. 

The other side of it will be fitting in exercise when I can, it'll be hard for sure and no worries I'm not planning on doing anything until the dr says it's ok to. I just can honestly say, I can't wait to get back to running the way I used to. Running has become such a huge part of my life that I really do miss it, I know a lot of women are/were able to keep up with running while pregnant (Trust me, my hat is off to you) but my body just couldn't do it. It seemed like as soon as I got pregnant my muscles just said "Nope we're not doing that anymore" and I had to stop.  I can remember the exact moment that I knew something was weird too, (I know getting off on a tangent here, but stick with me) I was a the gym and I was running on the treadmill.  Treadmill running had become super "easy" to me and I was able to get out at least 5 miles before stopping. So, I hadn't gone to the gym for a few weeks because we were closing on our house and working on it but I finally was able to get back to it.  I got on the treadmill and did my warm up and increased the speed to about 5.5 (which was about my running speed as of late), I couldn't do it. My legs started hurting, I felt exhausted almost instantly and I started getting dizzy. I  thought maybe I wasn't hydrated enough so I tried drinking water and it still didn't work. I finally just gave it up for the day and went home. A week or so later, with more attempts and failures I was driving home from work and said to myself "Hm. I should take a pregnancy test". I have no idea why, I had no reason to think I was pregnant, none of the usual indicators just that I was feeling really tired and couldn't work out the way I had been. Sure enough, I took a pregnancy test and it was positive. So I haven't run since then and it's been really hard for me. I thought I'd be one of those women who could power through it and keep up with it no matter what, it just hasn't worked out that way. Every morning I wake up at 5 am and can't get back to sleep I think "Man, I wish I could be out running right now".  Oh well. Once little man is here and I am back to it I will feel better. I've already set some goals for myself, small goals but goals nonetheless. We'll see how things go when I have an infant to care for ;) 

That's all she wrote! 


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