29 Week Bumpdate!

Since it's been a few weeks, I figured I'd do a bumpdate! 

How far along: 29 Weeks, 4 days. Holy crap. 11 weeks to go! 

Development:  According to the bump, baby is starting to develop some fat. At my last appointment the doctors said he is in the 80th percentile! I immediately got nervous thinking I was going to have a giant baby, but she assured me that they usually regulate as time goes on and it really just means he's healthy and getting the nutrients he needs, so yay for that! 

Movement: A lot of movement! He's kicking and punching away in there, which is great. Sometimes it's a bit uncomfortable, but I'm happy to feel it. 
Maternity Clothes: Oh yes. Pants/sweaters etc. I have been wearing these maternity leggings which are the most comfortable things ever! I can wear them under dresses that have become to short, so it makes my maternity wardrobe last longer! 

Stretch Marks:  eh, a few. Not to many though.

Best moment of my week: Well, considering it's only Monday and the week has just begun I'll say feeling baby boy move around a ton today.
  Worst moment:  My hips feel like they are stretching apart and I'm just sore overall... so it's made me a bit cranky.

Sleep:  What is this sleep you speak of? I keep saying to people, it's like the first trimester exhaustion all over again except at least with the first trimester you were getting sleep. Now, it's just true exhaustion from lack of sleep and carrying around a small basketball on my waist. 

Miss Anything:  Being able to go more than half an hour without having to pee.. 

Food Cravings:  Orange Juice, lately I have been addicted to the stuff. 

Aversions:  Almonds. I always forget about this but since the beginning of my pregnancy I have not been able to eat an almond. The thought alone of them makes me want to be sick. 

Gender:  Little Boy!

Symptoms:  Exhaustion, headaches, hip pain, leg cramps, occasional heartburn, breathlessness.. I'm a barrel of fun right now

Labor signs: None, thankfully! 

Belly Button: In! 

Rings:  Off :( at the beginning of this month I finally hit the point where I Just couldn't wear them anymore. It makes me so sad, my little sausage fingers are just to swollen.

Moody or Happy: I've been a bit cranky lately, that's thanks to lack of sleep and the pain I seem to be in all the time. Trying to be upbeat, but it doesn't always work. 

Looking Forward: Working on the nursery, having my baby shower, hopefully relaxing a little bit before baby gets here! 

Notable Mentions: I keep having these random moments of "crap, we're going to have a baby soon! I'm not ready yet!" and then I realize that I shouldn't stress over it. Things will get done and baby will have a place to sleep and a family that loves him. Then  I think it's just a matter of getting to the point where his nursery is done and organized which won't happen until after my shower. I've also been noticing myself slowing way down in terms of what I can get done, which I'll just have to deal with until after baby is born. 

Two weeks into my 3rd trimester and I still can't believe how fast it's gone by. I feel like I Just found out I was pregnant yesterday, not almost 5 months ago. Although, the fact that I need to take a break when walking up the stairs in my house should indicate that I am definitely 7 months pregnant. I know the next 11 weeks will be the longest/fastest weeks of my life and I'm just trying to prepare myself for the exciting (the baby!) and scary (labor!) things to come. We've also got a childbirth class that I signed up for to hopefully help with some breathing techniques, my plan is to try and deliver naturally and without pain meds. I'm not sure if that'll happen, but I'm going to try. There is no way to be able to actually tell how my body will react to labor so, I can't really make any huge decisions right now so I'm only saying "I'm going to try". 

Anywho! That's all I've got for today :) 


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