
Showing posts from October, 2013

34 week Bumpdate/Baby shower fun!

First, the bumpdate: HOW FAR ALONG:  34 Weeks/4 days! 6 weeks to go!  MATERNITY CLOTHES: I want to hug whoever came up with yoga pants, seriously. They are the most comfortable things to wear. They don't restrict my belly (like regular pants do with the panel) and they just are so comfortable. I'm really getting to the point where not much fits at all, while it's so frustrating, I know that I only have a few more weeks to go.  WEIGHT GAIN/LOSS:   I can't even go there right now.  BEST THING THIS WEEK:   We had our baby shower on Saturday! It was absolutely lovely and our baby boy got so many great things. It was so heartwarming to see just how loved he is already. More on that below though!  MOVEMENTS: I have one active/big baby in there! According to the drs he weighs about 6lbs 7 oz right now (granted, those ultrasound measurements are usually off so I try not to go by them). I can just feel how big he is from the way he is moving....

32 Week Bumpdate

W ell here we are! 8 Months..2 left to go..very hard to believe!  How Far Along: 32 Weeks 5 days  Size of baby:  From what the Bump says he is the size of a squash! However, at my last ultrasound they told me he is weighing in at 5lbs!! The dr didn't seem all that concerned just yet at how big he is, those are only estimates and can be way off as well. Maternity Clothes: Yup. lately I am loving leggings and long shirts, trying to stay as comfortable as possible. Gender:  Boy! I even had the ultrasound tech verify that for me haha!  Movement:  He's running out of space in there, so when he does move it can sometimes hurt. He's also been rolling around a lot more which is definitely weird.  Sleep: Sleep is going OK, still not getting a lot and when I do I h...

31's getting real!

So, I'll be 32 weeks tomorrow but I haven't done a 31 week update. I figured I might as well do one, I think doing these will be good to look back on when I've had the baby. Anywho, onto the update!  How far along are you? 31 Weeks 6 days, almost 32!  How I'm feeling: Overall pretty sore and tired. I wake up in the morning and everything hurts, then as the day goes on I start to swell and my back gets even more sore and by the end of the day it's hard to even climb the stairs to go to bed.   Total weight gain: A lot.  Cool baby facts: All of baby's bones are hardening and all five of his senses are now working. His body temperature is starting to be regulated by his brain as well.  How big is baby? The size of a pineapple. A PINEAPPLE. I picked a pineapple up when grocery shopping and almost died. Those things are freaking big. I'll find out approx how much he weighs at my drs appt tomorrow, I'm thinking from his last measurements he'll weigh ...

Things I want my son to know

The thought of being a parent in just 10 short weeks is still slightly terrifying to me, but lately I've been thinking of how we should raise him and what things I'd want to teach him as he gets older. I know my husband will have his list of things he wants to teach him, but I thought I'd start a list of my own. So, here we go! I'm sure I will have a lot to add as time goes on, but this is a start. Also, these are in no particular order. 1.) Treat others with respect, no matter what they look like, where they are from or what their beliefs may be. 2.)  Don't be afraid to stand up for what you believe in, your voice and your opinion matter. 3.) Karma is a real thing, always remember that. 4.) You have been loved since day 1 and you always will be loved. 5.) Your heartbeat is the most beautiful music I've ever heard. 6.) You will have a first love and you will probably have your first heartbreak with your first love. Please remember that it happens and...