32 Week Bumpdate

Well here we are! 8 Months..2 left to go..very hard to believe! 

How Far Along:
32 Weeks 5 days 

Size of baby: 
From what the Bump says he is the size of a squash! However, at my last ultrasound they told me he is weighing in at 5lbs!! The dr didn't seem all that concerned just yet at how big he is, those are only estimates and can be way off as well.

Maternity Clothes:
Yup. lately I am loving leggings and long shirts, trying to stay as comfortable as possible.

Boy! I even had the ultrasound tech verify that for me haha! 

He's running out of space in there, so when he does move it can sometimes hurt. He's also been rolling around a lot more which is definitely weird. 

Sleep is going OK, still not getting a lot and when I do I have the craziest dreams. For instance, last night I had a dream that I hijacked a bus with a bunch of Nuns on it and took them to a pumpkin patch. I'm not even kidding, weird. I wake up in the mornings incredibly sore and it takes me a few minutes to actually be able to move, good times!  

What I miss: 
Walking up stairs and being able to breathe by the time I get to the top, sleeping on my stomach/back.. 

I have had a wicked sweet tooth for the past week or so, all I want is cake. 

Back/Pelvis pain, the baby has dropped some so my back and my pelvis are hurting me a lot lately. I'm also extremely tired very easily. 

Favorite Moment This Week: 
Seeing the little one on the Ultrasound, we got a good shot of his face so it was just so nice to see him! Hubby also got the furniture into the nursery and it's starting to come together and look like a baby room! I'm so excited for that! 

Worst Moment This Week:
Just all around not feeling well at all and being really sore. 

Looking Forward To:
My baby shower in a week and a half!


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