31 Weeks..it's getting real!

So, I'll be 32 weeks tomorrow but I haven't done a 31 week update. I figured I might as well do one, I think doing these will be good to look back on when I've had the baby. Anywho, onto the update! 

  • How far along are you? 31 Weeks 6 days, almost 32! 
  • How I'm feeling: Overall pretty sore and tired. I wake up in the morning and everything hurts, then as the day goes on I start to swell and my back gets even more sore and by the end of the day it's hard to even climb the stairs to go to bed.  
  • Total weight gain: A lot. 
  • Cool baby facts: All of baby's bones are hardening and all five of his senses are now working. His body temperature is starting to be regulated by his brain as well. 
  • How big is baby? The size of a pineapple. A PINEAPPLE. I picked a pineapple up when grocery shopping and almost died. Those things are freaking big. I'll find out approx how much he weighs at my drs appt tomorrow, I'm thinking from his last measurements he'll weigh about 5lbs or so. 
  • Sleep: Sleep is pretty intermittent, between the crazy dreams/leg cramps and baby moving it's been kind of rough.  I honestly don't mind being woken up by him though. 
  • Maternity Clothes: It's been getting tougher to find things to wear to work and at home I'm pretty much living in yoga pants. Things are just getting a lot tighter and nothing really fits "right". I don't want to get anymore maternity clothes because I'm so close to the end
  • Best moment this week:  Nothing major this week, I'll have my appt tomorrow and I'm excited to get to see his little face again. 
  • Movement: I love feeling him moving around. My favorite part is when I feel him stretch out, I'll feel his legs on one side and his arms on the other. It really is the coolest feeling ever, it makes it easier to deal with the times when he sticks his foot under my ribs or headbutts my pelvis. 
  • Food cravings: None really
  • Food aversions: None.
  • Belly button in or out: Innie still
  • What I miss: Running and clothes that fit. 
  • What I'm looking forward to: Adding more to the nursery and getting it in order. I'll start washing the clothes we've got for him and his toys soon. 
  • Randoms:  I am just feeling not so pretty right now, I am swollen all over and I feel HUGE. It's been hard knowing I have 2 months left to just get bigger and more swollen. It's all so worth it though, it'll be so amazing to get to hold him and see what he really looks like. 
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