34 week Bumpdate/Baby shower fun!

First, the bumpdate:

HOW FAR ALONG: 34 Weeks/4 days! 6 weeks to go! 

MATERNITY CLOTHES: I want to hug whoever came up with yoga pants, seriously. They are the most comfortable things to wear. They don't restrict my belly (like regular pants do with the panel) and they just are so comfortable. I'm really getting to the point where not much fits at all, while it's so frustrating, I know that I only have a few more weeks to go. 

WEIGHT GAIN/LOSS:  I can't even go there right now. 

BEST THING THIS WEEK:  We had our baby shower on Saturday! It was absolutely lovely and our baby boy got so many great things. It was so heartwarming to see just how loved he is already. More on that below though! 

MOVEMENTS: I have one active/big baby in there! According to the drs he weighs about 6lbs 7 oz right now (granted, those ultrasound measurements are usually off so I try not to go by them). I can just feel how big he is from the way he is moving. A lot of times I will just see one side of my belly go way up and then down when he kicks or knees me in the side. I'm also noticing his hiccups a lot more! It's the funniest thing, though I feel bad as I'm sure they are annoying to him :) 

FOOD CRAVINGS/AVERSIONS: Ice water as well as Orange Juice are my two biggest cravings so far. Odd, but hey it's better than french fries?

WHAT I MISS: Being able to move freely, getting out of bed or turning over is a big deal right now. Same with bending over or doing anything other than just sitting up in a chair. 

SLEEP: Sleep is ok, I'm still exhausted and for some reason during the week I am up between 3:30-4 and I just lay there until the alarm goes off so I don't wake up my husband. By the end of the day I feel like a zombie but I'm pretty wide awake in the mornings. 

WHAT I'M LOOKING FORWARD TO: Getting baby's room in order and of course his arrival! 

So that's the general update on how I've been feeling, I had a drs appt on Friday where she decided to test me again for GD (since baby is getting so big). I passed (Again) and it's just that I have a big baby. I'll be going to the Doctors weekly now and having NST (non-stress test) one week and then the week after having an ultrasound. The baby has been doing great so far, they just want to keep an eye on his size and the amniotic fluid. It's hard to believe I am at the point where I am having a doctors appointment every week, this pregnancy has gone by so fast, yet so slow. I keep hearing from everyone to enjoy the time we have now, before the baby is born and things really get hectic. Honestly though, I just can't wait to see him and hold him. 

We had our baby shower this past Saturday and it was fantastic! Our Moms were the hosts along with some help from my very, very good friends. It was at a restaurant and the food was delicious! A close friend of the family made the cake, which was absolutely adorable, along with candy with both my husband and I's name on it for favors and mints in a adorable baby blue bag. It was so nice to see our family and friends together like that, it meant a lot to us. The amount of gifts we got was just unbelievable to me, I think it took us about 2 hours or so to open everything. It would take forever for me to list the wonderful things we got. It was just a fabulous day and we were both so happy. 

Anywho! That's about all I have for today. 


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