Just one foot in front of the other.

Yesterday was a bad day for me, like, just one of those no good terribly bad days. I woke up with a headache, it was hot, work was stressful and then I had to sit in traffic for an hour and a half because I was late leaving work. Just..Ugh. I went to bed early because I felt so tired and thought I'd get a great nights sleep. Nope. I was up on and off all night, the baby was up a few times (which I'm guessing has something to do with having the air conditioner on in his room) and I just couldn't sleep for some reason.

So in one of those bits of not sleeping, I started thinking about my fitness and running etc. well..I mean.."running" (Cause let's face it, I haven't been running for real at all lately, it's been more a half hazard walk/jog) and I thought to myself "what the hell are you afraid of?" I'm afraid in a way to get going again and to start over. So I do these walks and tell myself that I'm working out (which I am) but I'm not having these runs like I used to. I'm not pushing myself, I'm stopping when I get tired and not training myself. If I keep this up, I'll always be at a 16-17 minute mile and I won't have any progress. So I promised myself last night (probably around 2:30am) that I would RUN a mile today. I wouldn't stop unless I REALLY had to and I wouldn't use any excuses.

This morning on my way to work I kept thinking about it, thinking about how I was actually going to run. I wasn't super excited about it to be honest, I still have that headache and I was just exhausted. But, I was going to do it. I got to work, turned on my runkeeper and my playlist and set off. I walked for about a minute or so and then started to jog (warm ups were never my thing), I ran until I hit about .80 miles (seriously?) and  I stopped for about maybe a minute or so then pushed on. I only slowed down for about 10 seconds after that and once I hit a mile I did stop.It felt good! I was pouring sweat, my face looked like a tomato and I had wobbly legs but it felt so good to actually do it! I ended up with about a 13.25 mile, which is a long way from my 10 minute mile that I had been at before, but it's a good first step. Throughout the run I kept saying to myself "Mind over matter, one foot in front of the other" and that really helped.

Somehow I will get there from  here.


  1. You go girl! I am struggling to hit a mile :(

    1. Thanks lady! You can totally do it, it's really hard to get to that first mile (I honestly think that is the hardest part of running) but you will get there! If you ever need/want someone to run with, let me know! Sometimes it helps to have a running buddy. :)


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