New month, new goals.. new start.

I took last week off because I had my Birthday on Wednesday (Big 2-9!) and also some other circumstances that I had going on, I could have worked out, but, I just need a few days off. Sometimes it's important to recognize it and not dismiss that feeling to "keep pushing".  This way you don't get burnt out and you don't give up so easily. I even missed an entire day of calorie counting, which is a bummer because now my counter resets to 1, but, what can you do? It happens.

One good thing related to weight loss did happen to me though, I hit my goal! I lost 5 pounds by my Birthday, it took me awhile, but I weighed myself a few days before my Birthday and I actually did it! I'm pretty excited and proud, I feel like it's a big first step and that I have actually made some progress. So now my next goal will be to lose 10 pounds by Halloween, that's a full 2 months so I feel like this is something that I can definitely do.

The hardest part of getting back into my routine is waking up at 4:25 and starting over with my work outs. I was on the treadmill this morning since it is ridiculously humid outside this morning and my asthma and humidity just don't mix. It was really hard, I think I only got about a mile and a half in for about 30 minutes. Plus, my fitbit didn't recognize my steps for some reason so I didn't even get "credit" for all of those steps. Lame. Oh well, I'm just glad I did it and got something done this morning!

So here, we go again!


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