Warning: Debbie Downer ahead

Well, I suppose it's about time I update this again. I really haven't been and of course I've been busy and life has gotten in the way, however, that wasn't the entire reason for me not updating. I've lost some of my focus, I let interruptions in my routine give me excuses and here we are again. Luckily, I haven't gained weight, but I feel like I have. I just feel..blah right now.

I've been blaming all of this on outside sources (to busy working/taking care of the baby/family stuff) when really, I've had that all along and it's not an excuse for me. I want to lose 10 pounds by November and if I continue the way I have been, there's no way I'll achieve that goal. It's all on me. I have spent some of today looking at pictures of me from last year and I just want to get back to that. It hurts because I feel like I am not the same person overweight as I am when I was thinner. I know, that sounds ridiculous, but when I have lost weight I have so much confidence, I'm way happier and most importantly I feel healthier! When I get out of bed in the morning my feet actually crack and hurt for about 5 minutes before I can walk normally. I don't know if that's something that happened during pregnancy or just from the weight that's on them.

So here I go again, this is such a roller coaster, this weight loss thing. I used to say it all the time but it's 100% true, it has to be a lifestyle change and I have to be 100% into it.

Well today I've minimized snacking and I've tried to move as much as possible. So here goes nothing.


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