Getting Healthy in 2015

I haven't blogged in awhile, to be honest the holidays have taken over. Between work/Christmas/Life in general I've been busy. Well, the New Year is almost here and it's of course the time for resolutions etc. where we all say "I'm going to do this by this time next year". I've never been one for resolutions, I make them very loosely and try not to put to much constraints on myself. I don't do well when that happens.

Well this year I am in fact making a resolution and that is to get healthy. So, for me to explain I'll have to go back to my physical that I had a few weeks ago.  I think I've talked about it before but I have a known thyroid history, my body does not produce enough of the Thyroid hormone. This causes me to be extremely sluggish/tired, sore, weight gains (or making it difficult to lose), thinning hair.. and even some depression. For some people it is worse than for others,  I have a pretty good dose of all the symptoms above, also for me it causes migraines and extremely dry skin. So I knew my levels had to be off (I hadn't had them checked in probably 7 months) but I wasn't sure how much. Well a normal persons thyroid functions between a 0.50-5.70 (some even say lower, to a 3.50) well mine is a 10.47. So it's extremely off. This totally explains a lot of the symptoms I have been having and why things have been so difficult for me to get done. Another thing my doctor will always test me for is my iron levels, I've had some issues with Anemia in the past (I think when I was 15 or 16 it started and got to the point where I couldn't keep myself awake) so he will always check my iron levels. Well my Ferritin level is a 5 right now, which is significantly lower than it should be, the range is from 10-170, mine has always been on the lower side but this is pretty low even for me, the lowest I've ever been was a 3 and that was back in 2011 and I remember how awful I felt then, so this is not as bad, but still pretty bad. There are days where I just feel like a zombie and have such a hard time functioning.  I think this also all is contributing to my not being able to work out as much/as hard as I want to. I just don't feel well. So, My resolution is to get back on track with my thyroid and my iron, this will be with taking an iron pill twice a day and upping the dosage of my thyroid medication.  Most people don't realize how much these two things can take a toll on your overall health, having one or both be out of whack really makes your life very difficult.

So, I'll be focusing on this and hopefully once I get everything back in order I the weight loss will follow. I'm also starting to plan work outs for 2015, different weight exercises I can do daily in addition to getting back to running. I'm thinking positively for 2015 and thinking that this will be my year that I'm able to get healthy again and feeling great.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all my readers! I will be back in 2015 with a fresh attitude ready to take on the news years challenges!


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