Let's get real.

I'm going to be honest with myself and with all of you (probably all 2 of you that do read this haha!), I have been using my injury as an excuse. I have been saying "once I can run again, I'll be back on track" when in reality, I really just am putting it off. There's  been no reason for me not to log my food. My fingers aren't broken and the app on my phone is working perfectly fine, I just haven't been doing it. I've also been avoiding blogging because quite frankly, I didn't know what to write. I didn't want to sit down and write that I've taken this time to change my other habits and to work on other areas of my body because I haven't. SO, I've been putting it off. I apologize for that.  I've done a lot of hard things in my life, but losing weight seriously has to be the hardest.  Having a busy life shouldn't be an excuse or a reason to not get back into shape and  I spend more energy thinking about why I should be doing it than it would actually take to do it. Luckily I haven't gained any weight since this whole thing started, it's been almost a month now.

So, what now? Now I slowly work my strength  back up to being able to run. I got on the elliptical for 15 minutes this morning and while it did feel good, I knew that I couldn't do much more than that because my muscles started to feel tight. Then, I was a good girl and stretched afterwards. It wasn't much, but it's building my strength back up and that's what I need to focus on right now. I'm going to break this down into steps and hope that it helps me get back to where I want to be. Step 1 is what I'm working on now which is focusing on strengthening my knee and counting my calories (this will be continuous). Once I get that down, I'll move on to step two, which will be starting to jog again and from there I'll just keep upping the amount of time etc. 

There's the plan, I'm going to need a lot of determination to stick to it, though, I do think seeing photos of myself has helped boost that and realizing that I had a baby 1 year ago and still have the majority of my baby weight on. 

I've written this post way to many times, it's time to be real and get back to work.


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