A year from now you will wish you had started TODAY!

So here I am, a month (or a little over) after I started to take myself seriously. I've made a lot of progress in the past 5 weeks. I've lost 7 pounds and my body is starting to change, I really should have taken measurements. It feels like I've been doing this for a lot longer than a month, though. Not in a bad way, but just a familiar way. It feels good because it feels like routine and routine makes me happy! I've strayed a bit and gone off the bandwagon at some points, but made sure to never have 3 bad days in a row. If I felt like I was getting to that  "I don't care" place again, I looked at pictures of when I started and noticed a difference. I put myself right back to where I needed to be and for that I am proud. I have a sign on my desk "A year from now you will wish you started today" and that is what keeps me from hitting the cookies or getting french fries for lunch. I think back to where I was a year ago and I know hard it is for me now. I don't want to be sitting here a year from now and saying the same thing, "I wish I had started this sooner". 

I'll be 30 in 6 months and I want to have lost 25 pounds at that point, that is my goal.  I know that I'm going to have weeks where I don't lose and probably weeks where I gain, but that's just the journey. I'm setting modest goals for myself because I know that this is not a race and things will happen in their own time, as long as I do what I need to do to get there.



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