Sometimes you need a break/Victories

The past few weeks have not been the greatest fitness wise. Between snow storms, working from home and then a super bowl party this weekend, I haven't been working out as much. I've been eating a little less strictly than I should, I've still lost weight, but I'm not feeling as good about it as I had been. I was really starting to get down on myself about it this morning and then I said to myself "Ok, you've still lost weight, despite it all. You've still been keeping your calories in check." A break is fine sometimes and completely necessary, I think with a mindset of "I can't take any time off" I'm setting myself up for failure. I have probably gotten one good work out in the past few weeks and that's OK, because this morning I kicked my own ass. I felt so motivated to just have a great work out and I did! I was on the treadmill for 45 minutes and I gave it all I had, I was beet red and sweating by the time I stepped off and I felt great. Having that time off really helped me a lot, now I'm not saying that I'll be taking weeks off but here and there if I have a lot going on, I'm not going to be so hard on myself over it. 

Moving on from that, I had a few small victories. I am down to 175 pounds now, which is great and it feels good to be out of the "Danger zone of 180s" for awhile I hovered around 180 and it was really hard for me. I've never weighed more than 172 which was my highest weight so I had been really struggling with that. Now that I'm closer to where I was when I originally started losing weight a few years ago, I'm feeling more comfortable. I'm realizing that this IS working and that I AM doing this. My size 12 pants fit and my work pants I bought when I first started my job (a year ago this month!) are practically falling off, this is great..though I'm in such a funky in between stage that I'm having a hard time finding clothes to wear to work. I've been logging into MFP for 30 days straight, I will be honest the past few days I've been just logging on so I can keep up with my streak and have had a hard time logging my food. That ends today, staying on track with MFP is key to my success. All good things!

Now for my work outs themselves, I'm setting a goal for myself. I'm really focusing on my running right now, I want to get back to where I was. So this morning I didn't really follow the C25K rules as I had, but just went with the flow. I did a warm up and then jogged on and off for 25 minutes or so as I felt comfortable. My problem with C25K was that I would just be getting into a good groove and it would be time to stop, so when I'm controlling my own time running, I tend to run further (I say run when really, it's a slow jog). This morning for example, I was running for 3 minutes at a time (I know some people are rolling their eyes, I'm working on it!) and then I would stop for 2, run for 3, stop for 2 etc. It was great. I felt good and I got a really good burn out of it. I stopped after a half hour and finished up with 15 minutes of walking just because I honestly wasn't feeling like running anymore. My goal for whenever I'm at the gym now is to do at least a 5k on the treadmill. Whether I run or walk, as long as I hit 3.10 I've hit my goal. This morning it took me 45 minutes to get there, so I'm taking note of that and I'm working on it. My hope is to eventually be back down to 30 minutes (or under!). Slow and steady though, that's the only way for me to do this. 

Thanks for reading and have a great day! 


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