Being inspired by others

I've been slacking the past week, going off the rails. Eating more than I should be and not working out as much as I should be. Luckily, I weighed myself and I have not gained anything. I'm taking that as a warning, my body is like "cut the crap and get it together", so I'm back on the right track and back to eating the right way. There are a few things that help get me back on track, like reading fitness blogs or seeing my friends that do so great. I'd like to take the time to write about the people that inspire me, my friends that keep me going and help me get back to where I need to be. 

The first person is the one who inspired this whole blog and really got me moving. This woman is probably my closest friend and I would have never gained the tools I needed to lose weight,she is my friend Steph. She's done so great in losing weight but more importantly staying *healthy*, she told me about myfitnesspal and reading her blog got me inspired to start my own.  Even now, she's still helping me stay  motivated to lose weight and be healthier. 

My running inspiration is my friend Danielle, she's incredible. Honestly, I've never been so motivated by the way someone else works out and how far they've come. Danielle and I have been friends for.. 3.5 years? Right? Something like that anyways. I've watched her (not literally, but from talking with her) start running and move up the line from 5ks,10ks, half marathon to her first marathon coming up soon. She's got such determination and such motivation that she really pushes me to work out and be better. Every week she meal plans, preps and cooks her meals for the week and every day she runs, does boot camp or some other type of exercise. She really is so inspirational.

Next we have my friend Katie, we have been friends since I started working at my current company. Katie and I have really been working together to stay on track and get fit. It's so nice to have someone to talk about healthy foods and exercises with. She's a huge part of why I'm able to stay on track and is so helpful in giving me recipe ideas and work out plans etc. 

Those are 3 of my fitness/healthy inspirations, each one plays a huge role in my journey. Who or what are your biggest inspirations?


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