Back to where I started..originally

This morning I decided for some crazy reason that I should weigh myself, I hadn't really wanted to on Friday because I just didn't think I could face the scale. So, before I left for the gym I stepped on the scale and was incredibly surprised, I was down to 171.4. I hadn't been working out very much, but I also haven't been eating much either so I guess it all balanced out. After weighing myself I realized that I am finally  back to where I started 2.5 years ago.  I remember thinking how awful I felt when I weighed this back then and how ashamed I was. My, my how times have changed. I started this whole journey with a goal weight in mind and got to within 15 pounds of it. Now, 2 years ago at this time, I weighed 140 pounds (or around there, I can't remember exactly) and had just bought a house. unknown to me, I was also pregnant (though I wouldn't find out until March 29th). During my pregnancy I put on a ridiculous amount of weight and not just the amount of weight a pregnant lady is supposed to put on.  I rationalized when I was pregnant and used the baby as an excuse to eat..and eat...and eat...oh and eat some more. I gave into every sweet, fried and cheesy craving I had and I don't really think a vegetable really passed my lips the entire 9.5 months. Now here I am 15 months past having a baby and I'm only 20 pounds less than I was when I had him. Being pregnant and having my son is something I would never change, not for a second. However, I will keep in mind how to be reasonable with the next baby I have (not for a few years) and that I can say No to certain foods and I can continue to work out. I'm not putting myself down, so please don't think that, this is just me remembering that I made a mistake in over indulging during my pregnancy and for the last few months I haven't really owned that. So, I'm owning it now and making a change.

Now, onto other things. I worked out this morning and I actually ran (well jogged) for 12 minutes straight, without stopping. This is the first time I've done this in over a year and a half and it felt good. Granted, I had a total tomato face for about an hour and a half after..but that's something I'm proud of and it's progress. 

So now we are heading onward and upward from here.


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