Knowing when not to push it.

I've been the type of person that hasn't always known when to not push myself. Since I started working out at the gym in my building at work I've gone no matter what. Even if I wasn't feeling great, just tried to push through it. There's days when you can do this and there's days when you just shouldn't, when you need to listen to your body and know when you just can't do it.  I had a very busy weekend, friends of ours got married so we went to their wedding Saturday and Sunday was busy too! Of course I didn't drink much water..and drank a bit more of something else than I should have, so I was pretty dehydrated..add not sleeping much for 2 days on top of it all and it's just a recipe for disaster. I set my alarm for my usual 4AM wake up time but barely slept last night so when it went off, I tried to get up and push myself. I had the worst migraine I've had in as long as I can remember, it was one of those nausea inducing migraines that just makes you completely incapacitated.  I had a decision to make, should I push it and go to the gym anyways or should I take some medicine and go lay down. Well considering I could barely keep my eyes open I opted to go back to bed. This was definitely the right choice, I got up 2 hours later feeling a lot better. Still not 100% and still have that migraine but it isn't as bad and I'm able to function better. If I had pushed it and gone to work, I most certainly would have ended up suffering all day. So I think I made the smarter choice, though if I do end up feeling a lot better later, I'm hoping to be able to get out for a run. I'm loving this warmer weather we are having (even if it did snow yesterday!) so I could use the fresh air!


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