Cause the slackers gonna slack slack slack..

I try to be  100% honest here, the main reason for that is because this is where I have my accountability. If I'm not writing much or putting much into it then I'm most likely not really trying hard. That's exactly what has been happening. I have been having a tough few weeks mentally, I really haven't been focusing on myself. I have been exhausted, we're talking can barely keep my eyes open past 7pm exhausted. I've been lacking on taking my iron pills (I need to take 2 a day as I am anemic) and I've been getting very anxious. It all sort of came to a head this morning, I woke up as usual to come to the gym but when I got here, I just couldn't do it. I couldn't push myself to do a single thing, not to run, walk or even do any sort of weights. My body just felt....tired. So I didn't work out and as I was getting ready and feeling all sorts of discouraged about myself I started to reflect on what exactly was going on and I realized it's all related. I'm not sure how I didn't realize it before, but somehow it smacked me in the face this morning. 

Ok so this is how it's all a cycle: I stopped working out regularly a few weeks ago since I was working from home being lazy, from there I slowed down on entering my food into myfitnesspal (which takes away my accountability on that end), I slowed down on my posting here (which meant I didn't have to "own up" to my readers), then I stopped taking my iron pills every day (because I would forget) from there I started feeling this awful. I haven't been eating right and have been too tired lazy to cook anything healthy during the week for dinner so we've been having A LOT of pasta (my poor husband and son could probably never eat spaghetti again and be happy). I also just haven't felt motivated to do meal planning/grocery shopping or any of the above. My mood has just been downright sour and I haven't had much patience lately and... It's all related. It all comes back to not doing what I need to do. How can I expect to have more energy if I'm just being lazy? How can I expect to feel good if I'm not doing the things I need to be?

Well once I figured this all out I felt like an idiot for letting it happen and really decided that I need to just stop. I need to wake up  and just see what I'm doing, stop using these excuses that have no real meaning behind them. The only thing I have going for me right now is that my body hasn't gained much weight so things are still fitting well. So, enough is enough. I have a piece of paper pinned up on my desk that I've talked about before it says "A year from now you will wish you stated today" that is my mantra right now. I have to KEEP saying that to myself and keep pushing myself to get to where I want to be. I knew this wouldn't be easy I just didn't realize how hard it would actually be for me. It's a lifestyle and not just a diet..I'm changing the way I think and not just the way I eat.

I also want to thank all of my supporters, you guys are the main reason that I don't quit. Knowing I have so many people backing me up is so helpful. Thank you. Every like, comment and text message I get is helpful and truly keeps me going. So again Thank You!


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