
So the past week or so I didn't run much which is OK, we all have our off weeks. I got back to business today and had a great run, well it was more like a soft jog, but I still was moving! I really had to watch my pace because it was two 8 minute runs with one 5 minute walk  interval in between. The hard part was actually the walking, I felt like I could keep going with the run and the walk really slowed me down. So that means that tomorrow is the 20 minute run, the first work out without any intervals. I'm a bit nervous but I am hoping that how I felt today is a good sign. The good news is that I am able to run outside since the sun is coming up a bit earlier, so yay to that! 

The other thing I wanted to write about was my nutrition. I know I've written a lot about my thyroid issues and what not but lately I've just been so tired of being tired. I'm beyond exhausted every day and I'm sick of it. This weekend I started to do some research on thyroid disease, diet and what makes it better/worse. Well come to find out my diet is really the problem here, a lot of the things I eat can really contribute to a wonky thyroid and making you feel just..awful. I did a lot of thinking on it and I've decided to do a few things, the first being to stop drinking coffee. Ugh this one hurts me already. The thing about it is that I love coffee.. I don't just love the caffeine, but the taste/scent.. everything. I love it. I also have a serious addiction to it and have read that coffee can really affect your thyroid.  I still need some caffeine in the morning so I read that switching to Green Tea can make the transition a little easier. Today is my first day with no coffee. Hopefully I am not rocking in a corner somewhere by 3pm. We'll see. The other item on my list is gluten. So I've read a lot of articles etc about how gluten can make things crazy with your thyroid. Ugh this sucks. I love gluten. I'm going to start by cutting back and then we'll see how it goes, if I can give it up completely, awesome. If not, I'm not going to beat myself up over it. The last thing I read was taking probiotics, I didn't think that your stomach would have anything to do with your thyroid but apparently it does! So I started taking probiotics yesterday. 

I'm not really expecting a lot with any of the above, I'm just hoping I start to feel better and be able to maybe lose some of this weight! 



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