Well I did it.

This morning was the start of my "longer" runs, up until today I had done a max of 8 minutes of running but today was a 20 minute run, no intervals. I won't lie when I say that I was a bit nervous. I knew I had done this before because the c25k app I use has all of my old records stored as well, so I knew that I  could do it, it was just a matter of getting myself pumped up for it.
Recap if you're interested:
So, I got to work about 5am and got myself together by 5:20ish, I wanted to take some extra time to give the sun more time to come up! I started the app/music and runkeeper. Off I went (or so I thought), I got about 1:30 in and the music just..stopped. So I had to stop and figure that out, restart of my phone.. blah blah.. then started over again.  I walked for the warm up, which was the first 5 minutes. I was feeling very.. good. It was a weird feeling, I wasn't tired or anxious about any of it..just really at peace. After the 5 minutes were up it was time to really get started. OK, here we go! I started really, really slow. I watched my breathing and paid attention to my steps. I was feeling really good! I looked down at my phone and I had been running for 3 minutes, alright keep going. Next song comes on and a hill is coming up..crap.. I hate hills. Luckily it was a small one, but I still felt the burn and struggled a bit. Made it up the hill and back onto even ground. good. this is better. This feels good. I've got this. Keep moving. Checked the time again and now I had 15 minutes to go, alright no more checking that until the next song. At this point I was starting to pick up my pace a bit, but still focusing on staying in the moment, not thinking about going faster or when it would be over. Just focus on right now. So I kept going and kept pushing, one foot in front of the other. I checked time and I had 10 minutes to go, woo! Halfway there!! Another hill, miserable damn hills. I gritted my teeth and pushed my way up the hill, turned around and started back towards where I started. Pace was picking up a bit more now, looked down and I had 5 minutes to go! Holy crap! I'm almost done! Then I realized, yup I'm running up that massive hill. Damnit. So, I had 2 minutes left in the run and there was no avoiding this hill. So I just pushed and pushed up the hill, God it was freaking painful. My legs were burning (it's a really big hill haha!) and I was starting to get out of breath..I was still technically jogging but it was a reaaaaaaaaaaaaalllyy slow jog. 30 seconds left.. keep..going.. 10 seconds left..count it down.. and....done! At this point I truly thought that I was either going to pass out or throw upI did neither, thankfully. I was so excited that I had actually done it! YAY! 

I am still feeling rather proud of myself and I know it's kind of a silly thing to be proud of because there are people who run marathons, but, for me as an overweight out of shape lady, it  was a really proud moment. :-)


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