Seeing a difference (progress post)

So I really didn't think there was a difference in what I looked like with the weight loss. I knew that my clothes have been fitting better (I've gone from a size 16 to a size 12 which is a bit loose on me right now..) but I honestly just thought it was me and that I didn't actually *look* any different. Then I decided to look back at pictures and I can definitely see a difference. My progress has been slow, but since this time last year, I have gone from 190lbs to 167.4lbs with many stops and starts but with a real "push" starting in January and really getting going in April.  I did a side by side comparison on a collage and I think I can definitely see a bit of a difference, which keeps me motivated to keep going.  The picture on the left was taken on March 1st and the picture on the right was taken yesterday.



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