
Showing posts from January, 2016

Getting back up

The last week or so has been tough, I came down with the flu (I completely forgot to get my flu shot this year!). Then my husband was sick, my son had a was a mess. I was down and out for about a week with this lovely flu and even today I'm STILL having congestion and issues with my breathing (thanks, asthma!). So, I haven't been able to work out and I haven't been eating well for about a week or so. I did try to run this morning, but I ended up having issues breathing so I had to stop, which I was bummed about.. but.. I'm not going to let that throw me out of the game though, I'm getting back up and continuing on.  So here we are, a new week and a new chance to get into it. It's funny because I have a calendar on my desk that I was given for Christmas by my boss, it's called "women who do too much". So every day gives you something to think about or a quote..something like that. I haven't been in the office in a week since I was s...

New Year's Resolutions and such

Thanks for all the love on my post from yesterday! Made me feel good <3  Anyway, what I WAS going to write about before that happened was the New Year and what I hope to achieve for 2016. I know some people say "New Year's Resolutions are dumb, why not just make the change at any time?". For me it's a mind thing, a new year is a fresh start. I love it. It's a way to officially put the crap from the last year in the past officially and shut the door on it and who cares when you start, as long as you start. So I've got quite a few changes I'd like to see in '16. I'm not expecting to work on all of them at once and some of them are the same ones I made last year so it's all a work in progress. Ready? OK.  Here we go. 1.) Lose the remaining baby weight and just be healthy. No gimmicks, no lose weight quick schemes..just be healthy. Eat clean and exercise. That's it. Trust me I will have times when I falter and when I just have a piece of...

Open letter to the guy who yelled to me during my run.

Dear Sir (if I could even call you that),  Yesterday I went out on my first run in close to 3 months, I felt great. Better than I had in months being out there and was really enjoying my run. As I was contemplating how good it feels to be out (even in the cold) running, you drove by me and yelled "Keep running, fat ass!" I stopped in my tracks.  Your words didn't have the effect on me that I'm sure you intended, I wasn't hurt. I was more pissed off. Do you know why? No, no you don't but I'm going to tell you.  What gives you the right to yell at someone who is trying to get healthy and be fit? I'd hope if you were going to even fathom yelling that to someone you'd be in peak physical shape (you were not, from what I could see by the way). Did you think that you were motivating me? Well if you did then you'd probably right by that, motivating me that if I ever see you again I will rip you a new one. You have no idea the journey I've gone t...