Getting back up

The last week or so has been tough, I came down with the flu (I completely forgot to get my flu shot this year!). Then my husband was sick, my son had a was a mess. I was down and out for about a week with this lovely flu and even today I'm STILL having congestion and issues with my breathing (thanks, asthma!). So, I haven't been able to work out and I haven't been eating well for about a week or so. I did try to run this morning, but I ended up having issues breathing so I had to stop, which I was bummed about.. but.. I'm not going to let that throw me out of the game though, I'm getting back up and continuing on. 

So here we are, a new week and a new chance to get into it. It's funny because I have a calendar on my desk that I was given for Christmas by my boss, it's called "women who do too much". So every day gives you something to think about or a quote..something like that. I haven't been in the office in a week since I was sick so I am going through the days that I missed and one that stuck out me was this: "We have days of joy and begin to indulge in the fantasy that life is and should be just a movement of up, up, up and we feel angry with and cheated by life when we slide down again. Somehow, the regular changes in life become personal attacks. This is when we call on our memory of times past, what we survived and how we grew from each situation"  How true is that? I mean, it's just so relevant to everything, weight loss, work, life in general. Life is so not perfect and neither are we as people. I am trying to remember these things when I slip or have a bad week, that it's a moment in time that I'll eventually learn and grow from.

Anywho. Just something to think about!


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