Open letter to the guy who yelled to me during my run.

Dear Sir (if I could even call you that), 

Yesterday I went out on my first run in close to 3 months, I felt great. Better than I had in months being out there and was really enjoying my run. As I was contemplating how good it feels to be out (even in the cold) running, you drove by me and yelled "Keep running, fat ass!" I stopped in my tracks.  Your words didn't have the effect on me that I'm sure you intended, I wasn't hurt. I was more pissed off. Do you know why? No, no you don't but I'm going to tell you.  What gives you the right to yell at someone who is trying to get healthy and be fit? I'd hope if you were going to even fathom yelling that to someone you'd be in peak physical shape (you were not, from what I could see by the way). Did you think that you were motivating me? Well if you did then you'd probably right by that, motivating me that if I ever see you again I will rip you a new one. You have no idea the journey I've gone through to get to this point, no idea about the struggles I've had. You don't know what it's like to be pregnant and have a c-section (that I can sometimes STILL feel the scar two years later). You have absolutely no clue, what it's like to struggle with the balance of being a wife and mother while trying to balance a career at the same time AND still take time for myself. Nope. You just saw someone who looked overweight running down the street and felt the need to yell something. You were wrong on so many levels, you didn't hurt my feelings but you DID piss me off. I have enough confidence and have been doing this long enough not to let some jerk bother me. However, you didn't know that. I could've just been starting to gain the confidence to run outdoors and a single comment like that could've sent me right back into the house to give up.  With your ridiculous and rude comment you could've destroyed someones confidence. So, what you felt proud of that? You laughed with your ridiculous and immature friends over it? Well, good for you. I hope you had a great day and I hope that you went home and went for a run yourself.  I hope you've never doubted yourself or been in a position to want to give up on something. I will say this though, the next time you decide to yell something like that at someone, pull over so that they can actually defend themselves and educate YOU. And you'd better hope that person isn't me because I can guarantee you that I will give you a piece of my mind. 

Good Riddance,

The "fat ass" runner who could probably beat you in a 5k 


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