New Year's Resolutions and such

Thanks for all the love on my post from yesterday! Made me feel good <3 

Anyway, what I WAS going to write about before that happened was the New Year and what I hope to achieve for 2016. I know some people say "New Year's Resolutions are dumb, why not just make the change at any time?". For me it's a mind thing, a new year is a fresh start. I love it. It's a way to officially put the crap from the last year in the past officially and shut the door on it and who cares when you start, as long as you start. So I've got quite a few changes I'd like to see in '16. I'm not expecting to work on all of them at once and some of them are the same ones I made last year so it's all a work in progress. Ready? OK.  Here we go.

1.) Lose the remaining baby weight and just be healthy. No gimmicks, no lose weight quick schemes..just be healthy. Eat clean and exercise. That's it. Trust me I will have times when I falter and when I just have a piece of damn cake because I want a piece of damn cake. So what? As long as I'm working out and eating clean 95% of the time.. it'll work out. 

2.) GET ORGANIZED. Good Lord this is one that kills me, I am a messy person. I admit it, I always have been. Though since I became a Mom it's been kicked into overdrive, there is just always something that needs to be done and if I spent my time doing all of it..I'd never spend time with my family. However, I'm trying to be better about it. I actually have a few tools that I'm  using. I have a planner that I look at, at least 3-4 times a day. I'm constantly forgetting dates for things etc and I just have come to the realization that I NEED to write things down to remember them. I also have these two e-books that I found "28 days to hope for your home" and "drowning in clutter - don't grab a floatie! Drain the ocean!" I'm starting with the 28 days one. I like this one because it gives you things to do day by day. So Day 1 was just do the dishes, every single dish. So I did that. I also read online that you should "touch the laundry every day", whether it's folding or doing a load of laundry.. just do something to keep up with it. So that's another thing I did, we had run the laundry on Sunday so I folded it yesterday. Today I'll do my son's laundry so on and so forth.

3.) Write in my journal every night before bed. There is just something about actually writing that is incredibly therapeutic for me, typing doesn't have the same effect. It helps me sleep better and feel more positive.

4.) Less social media and screen time! I'm really trying to cut down my electronic use before bed and my social media use. It's tough. So I'm trying to put my phone on Do not disturb after a certain time at night and just putting it out of sight during the day when I'm at work and need to focus. Having an hour without staring at a screen at night really helps before bed. 

5.) Say something nice to at least 5 people a day. A compliment or an encouraging word.. just something to let my friends/family or even a stranger know that I'm thinking of them or think that they are great and I'm happy they are in my life.

So there you have it.. my 5 New Year's Resolutions! Life gets crazy, but there's always a way to find the path. 


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