Challenge update & Marathon Monday

It's been 13 days so far since I started this challenge and I have to say, I feel good. I have had two slip ups in 13 days and considering my track record before, I'd say that's pretty good! I desperately want to weigh myself, but I won't. I am going by feeling.. my pants are all looser, I was walking around yesterday and felt like they were falling off! Even my running leggings are loose, which is hard to get to that point haha. Also maybe TMI but  my undergarments are all loose as well and THAT is weird to me..but it means progress! I'm on week 8 of C210K and while I haven't run as much as I would like to I've still been doing really, really well with my training. I ran for 28 minutes on Saturday and it was hard, but I did it! I've been logging every day, even on the hard days. It's helped so much. I've even been weighing my food and measuring way more than I did before so that's great! 

Now onto the Marathon. 

I was really excited but also a bit nervous going yesterday, though all my nerves went away as soon as we got there. I met up with friends and we started walking around. We got something to eat and walked towards the finish line, when I tell you that is insanely packed there I truly mean it...but the whole area had a GOOD feeling. There were police officers probably about every 50 feet so you definitely felt safe. After a few hours and tracking my friend Danielle, we headed to meet up with her boyfriend Lars who had gotten a prime spot right near the finish line. Coincidentally, the spot he was in was right next to the tree that had Martin Richard and Lingzi Lu's memorials on it, as well as the sneakers for Martin and Sean Collier. I took a moment while we were standing there to just take that in and think of the victims of the bombing 3 years ago. We were right up against the barricades so we had a great view of the finish line and let me tell you, watching these people who have just run 26.2 miles finish this race was amazing. The runners were also helping one another, there was a man who just couldn't go any further and two of his fellow runners had their arms around him and helped him to the finish line. Think about that for a minute, you've run so far and you're tired and hurting, but you see someone who just can't go sacrifice a faster time and some of your strength to help someone else cross that finish line too. There were a few runners who were running for team MR8 and they stopped in front of the memorial for a minute or two and just paid their respects to Martin. It still gets me choked up thinking about it. Then it happened, Lars said "I see her!" and we did too, Danielle was coming down and she saw us. She waved at us and looked SO good! We all got teary eyed watching her come down  the stretch and cross that finish line. Just such an amazing accomplishment and I'm so happy and honored that I got to watch her cross. We left and went to find her after a lot of walking we did and there were lots of tears and hugs (as well as pictures!). It was an amazing day, the feeling of being in Boston for something like that is just like nothing else. The pride that you feel of being part of such a huge and monumental event.. it's something else. It inspired me to keep running and keep going. I don't think I'll ever RUN a marathon (I've walked it twice, running might kill me - though one of the people we met yesterday told me that he thought walking would be harder..I think he's slightly insane) but I am pushing myself towards running a half. 

What a great day.


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