Pants sizes & being a running fool

I went back to work after having my son 2 years ago in February, I had to buy new pants because all of my work pants were size 8 (lol). I bought two pairs of pants that were a size 16. I hated those pants, every time I put them on I would cry a little because they were tight. They were the biggest size I've ever worn, even when I was pregnant, I was still between a 12-14 (those were maternity pants though and let's be honest towards the end all I wore were leggings or yoga pants anyways).  I thought I'd never get out of those pants. I thought I'd never get back on track and that I'd still be wearing them. Well,  I was looking through my memories on Facebook this morning and one of the memories from today was that I had put those pants away one year ago. It makes me happy. I put on a pair of size 14 pants this morning and they are so big that I can pull them up and down without even unbuttoning them. I'm back to a size 12 and even there it's between a size 10-12. It feels good to be there. I have about 10 pounds to go before I am back to being comfortable in my size 10 pants, but it really feels so much more attainable now. 

 I haven't been on a regular running schedule for quite awhile and it makes me sad, I  hate running but I love it. I've noticed that when I run, I will do whatever I can to keep myself from eating crappy that day. I eat and drink extremely well on days that I run, so, I need to run more, obviously. My husband and I are in the process of buying a new house with a lot more space. I'm hoping that I can get a treadmill so that I can run anytime that I want and not have to worry if I'm working from home and the weather is crappy or whatever. 

Speaking of running, in a little over 2 weeks a very good friend of mine is running the Boston Marathon. I've written about Danielle before and that she is my top inspiration for running and not giving up on my goals, she's also running for Dana Farber, which if you know me, you know that cancer research is near and dear to my heart. The Boston Marathon means so much to me as well..  I'm taking the day off of work and going down to stand at the finish line to cheer Danielle (and all the other runners!) on that day. I can't wait.  So, if you'd like to help Danielle reach her goal of 10K for the Marathon, please feel free to donate! Danielle's Marathon page!

Also, welcome Baseball season! Go Red Sox! 


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