Progress on 30 day challenge thus far.

Today is day 5 of the 30 day challenge (technically 31, but 30 day sounds better ;) ). I've been doing very well, I've gotten 3 runs in out of 5 days, which is good! I also had very productive days on Saturday and Sunday (the two days I did not run) so I was constantly moving. My eating has been going very well, I've been SUPER conscious of what my calories are and trying to stay within range which I've done just about every day so far. These are excellent steps and I'm feeling very positive, I'm kind of playing a game with myself by saying "only 30 days, you can do this for 30 days" the hope is that by the end of the 30 days, I'll be so used to it that I can just keep going. 

My running has been going well, I'm up to 25 minutes straight and it's hard but not as hard as it used to be. This morning I kept saying "If I can get to that point ahead of me, I'll take a break" then when I got to that point I just kept going. It doesn't always work, but today it did. My pace is pretty slow but I'm out there and I'm burning calories, I'm not out to win any races. I'm on week  7 so after week 8 I believe I start the training for 10k. I'm going to have to figure something out with my schedule because that is running for longer times, where as now I'm running for 30 minutes and that's fitting pretty well with my work schedule and allows me to have enough time to get ready in the morning. I can't get up any earlier than I do now (that would put me at 3:45 or so in the morning and that's just a big nope). So I'll have to work something out, though in my mind I'm saying "There's no freaking way I can run for an hour straight", but I also said "there's no freaking way I can run for a half hour straight"  Just something I have to keep working at. 

I'm also doing a April Abs challenge with a group of girlfriends, I haven't worked on my abs in..3 years? Maybe longer. So this is GOOD and it HURTS but it's OK, my muscles really need it. 

So there's my progress at this point in the challenge and so far so good!


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