A little progress each day, adds up to big results

I'm 2 weeks in as of today, last week went great with the exception of Saturday and Sunday. I strayed a bit and didn't do as well as I should have. Ah well, everyone has slip ups sometimes. I've basically stuck to my healthy eating and I've been exercising a lot more, at least once a day I'll do something. Yesterday I did a different workout and it was good, but didn't give me the steps I needed, so I decided to go for a run at lunch. I did great, I did stop for a few minutes here and there, but I kept going and finished up the session with running (which is important!) and did not vomit on the side of the road (which I will admit, I felt like it a few times - it was HOT). Both are wins.  So I'm sore all the time pretty much but it's a good sore, it's that "my muscles are changing" type of sore.  

So I've been feeling pretty good overall, I've really upped my protein and my Omega 3s which has helped! I'm eating probably about.. 60% "clean", but I'm hoping to get that number higher. Otherwise, my sugar intake daily is a LOT lower which has definitely made a difference! Still no sugar in my coffee, sometimes I miss it most days I don't though. I have tried to have a vegetable with every meal, that's tough for me but I'm working on it.  Also still drinking a gallon of water a day, which I'm sure really does help with how I feel.

I weighed myself this morning and I am down 3 pounds from starting, which is great! I gained 4 pounds so I'm 1lb away from where I was, I'm trying not to think of how far I COULD be, but sometimes it's tough. I'm just looking at this as "I'm being healthy and doing better things for my body now". 

So now we're onto week 3. 


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