Keep going!

I've been doing well with working out, I only skipped one day so far since last Wednesday, so that will be my rest day.  Yesterday, I went for a run for the first time in over a month. I ran for 20 minutes straight, it felt so damn good to be out there. I took it easy on myself and made most of the run downhill, which really really helped me. Today will be another YouTube workout and tomorrow will be up early for a run. I've also got my 10k steps every day except for Saturday, I think I would've gotten the steps on Saturday if I hadn't had to charge my Fitbit.  

Eating has been going well also, last night I had a baked sweet potato (those are my thing lately) with salsa on it and a bit of cheddar cheese. After dinner I had enough calories leftover for a frozen yogurt bar, yum. This weekend was also a success for me because I was able to control my portions for wine. I had one glass of wine each night and weighed them so I knew exactly how much I was having: 4 oz Friday and 5.15 on Saturday.  This is my challenge because when I don't have to get up the next day or if I'm relaxing on a weekend watching TV I want to have a glass or two of wine or a beer to unwind every now and then, but I was able to control it and I felt great about it. 

So I'm keeping on and getting there! I've been watching the scale and it's stressing me out a bit, so I have to force myself not to watch it and step on it every day. Once a week is enough. I weighed in today so I won't weigh in again until next Monday, which will be torture ha, but this will help keep me on track. 

Fun Fact: I've been blogging for almost 4 years now, crazy! I was reading some of my older posts and it just made me think of how far I've come. Then I started thinking about 20 year old me and I just had to laugh a little.  I may be 12lbs heavier than I was 10 years ago, but I am way healthier and that makes me feel good. I'll get the weight down as well, but, it's just a great thought to have and something to remember when I'm longing for the days that I was skinny. ;)


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