Alternatives to running and a weekly challenge.

Lately, I haven't been super jazzed about running, not sure why, I just haven't been feeling it. The thought of going for a run just has me feeling..bleh. So with that, I've been eating meh and not focusing on myself. It's been tough and my body is definitely feeling it, I've been quite tired and moody, which happens every now and then but this really has been on another level and it's not good. Exercise always makes me feel good, but if I'm not excited about something, I'm not going to continue it, this usually happens when I get to this point with running, I don't feel connected with running and I just end up stopping. With that being said, I know I have to get back to doing it because it really is such a great workout.  I will, in time. I'll figure out a way to love it again.

With that being said, in the meantime I really have to find something else to do that will help. So I turned to YouTube, there's THOUSANDS of workout videos there. A workout for every part of your body, long ones short ones.. anything you need you can find on there. This works out for me since I work from home, if I don't have a meeting and am caught up, I can take a few minutes to do a workout while also making sure work gets done if it's needed. Plus, it's Summer time and as much as I love Summer, the heat and humidity do not agree with my asthma so running outside is difficult for me, unless I do it before the sun is up. So! I found a cardio video from "the body project" I liked it because it was actually FUN! The moves were so easy to follow and it was a lot of squats (ouch) and a lot of movement, I really loved it. I almost didn't want it to end (almost) and I got a good sweat in! PERFECT. My goal is to do these workouts once a day during the week (weekends are tough since everyone is home etc and I'm constantly on the move anyways). I'm going to try a lot of different ones to keep it fun and add in an ab challenge as well (because we can ALWAYS work on our abs!!) 

As for my eating, I'm doing the best I can and just focusing on staying within my calories, not easy but I'm working on it. 

Just gotta keep on moving.

So Goals for this week! (we'll go Wednesday to Wednesday because you don't have to make Monday a start day):
- At least 5 days of YouTube workouts
- 10K steps per day (even if that means walking in place just to get the steps in)
- Staying under on Calories
- No meat
- Drink a gallon of water a day
-Meditate/Yoga for 10 minutes a day (mental health is important too)
- Weigh in Next Wednesday July 13th

I've found these challenges really help me to stay focused and on point. The 30 day challenge I did was GREAT but I think I need to do weekly ones to account for my success etc. 

 Does anyone else want to join me :)?


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