So long sweet Summer..Hello fantastic Fall.

I haven't posted in quite awhile, one of the reasons is that I've been pretty busy. My husband and I spent 9 days trekking around Europe and it was amazing. Rome was my favorite, such a beautiful city filled with just lovely people. Paris was beautiful too, but Roma, Roma has my heart.

So while I had a fantastic Summer, it was also a wee bit tough on me emotionally. I constantly had this nagging feeling in the back of my head that I just needed to get back on track and it just never happened. I stopped running altogether and put weight back on (I'm not sure how much because I am absolutely terrified to weigh myself right now), it was just not a good time for me. I don't really know where the mental block came from, I just kept putting it off and eating one more of this or drinking more of that. I feel it physically too, my asthma which was non existent for almost the entire summer is back, I went for a run and my body just felt sluggish. I restarted C25K, I've done this oh about 100 times so far, but it works and it helps me get back into it. I have a goal of running 1 mile a day that I keep saying I will start "tomorrow" but it hasn't happened yet. So things are looking pretty grim for me.

Last week I reached out and asked for help, I asked for guidance. I had a friend send me a sample of her meal plan and some recipes. I shopped to this meal plan which has lots and lots of good vegetables and used her meal plan. I'm determined to get myself back on track and not waste everything I've done so far. I stopped tracking on MyFitnessPal a long time ago and just logged on to keep my streak up. Well I stopped that while on Vacation because I felt like I was lying to myself. I would have this great streak but what does it matter if I'm not actually using the resource for what it's intended to be? It doesn't matter. So, I restarted today. I logged my breakfast this morning. I walked past the apple donuts we got from apple picking on Saturday and had my power grain toast, PB and celery. Part of this is having a vegetable with every meal, so celery it is for this morning. I didn't have sugar in my coffee this morning (a habit I picked back up over vacation) and I measured everything. I have a few meetings this morning but once those are done I'm planning on throwing dinner in the crockpot. 100% clean dinner. I'm going to get out for a quick mile this morning too, maybe not a whole mile of running, but at least part of it.

Losing weight isn't just about losing the weight, it's about loving myself. Something I haven't done very well lately, I'm just feeling very blah overall. I know a lot of is the weight gain but it's not just that, it's also my skin. I know a lot of that is from not eating clean, my skin gets really funky when I don't eat well or hydrate. I constantly get headaches or bodyaches, my mood is pretty terrible and overall I'm just not a fun person to be around.  So I'm back on this road, taking detours along the way but somehow I always get back here.  Which is a good sign, at least I'm on the road somehow and not somewhere in the woods.

So as they say, onward and upward.


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