
Showing posts from December, 2012

Oh Christmas Cookie..

I made up a new song. "Oh Christmas cookie, Oh Christmas cookie..your icing is so fattening..Oh Christmas Cookie, Oh Christmas cookie, the butter is just so abundant..Oh Christmas cookie..Oh Christmas add 10 pounds to my hips..."  If there is one thing I love about being Italian it's the food, ESPECIALLY the food around Christmas time. Pizelles? Could eat 100 of them at a time. Anisette cookies? Psh. I just finished a whole tray (Maybe not, but I could) Biscotti? Where's my coffee! They are just mighty addicting. A woman I work with so generously  brought in two trays of 4 different kinds of home made Italian cookies. Now, normally I'm a chocolate chip girl but these cookies are to.die.for.  I may have ate them instead of my yogurt and strawberries for breakfast. It's so hard to be a foodie and have to watch what you eat, however the past few days I haven't been watching anything but the fattening foods go into my mouth. Pizza, Ice cream cake...

Gym time?

I've decided to join the gym..yet again.  Like my relationship with food my relationship with the gym/exercise has always been an up and down struggle. When I first start I'm super pumped about it and will go every day, then slowly start to skip a day..skip another day, skip a week, skip another week and then I just don't go. Have you seen that commercial with the couple, where the wife asks the husband "so did you go to the gym today" and he comes up with all those excuses as to why he's not going. Yup, that's me to a T. Well, I've gotten to this point in my weight loss where I realized I have to start exercising regularly. None of this every other day for 20 minutes, I have to turn it into a habit. This is pretty similar to what I did when I first started calorie counting, I forced myself to do it and eventually it got to be like second nature, if I don't log onto MFP, my day is not complete and I feel off. Seriously. So, I...

100 Days of Calorie counting

Today is the big day, I hit the big 100.  I have been calorie counting for 100 days, I have lost 18lbs and 9 inches in my waist and 12.5 in my hips. It's made a pretty significant difference.  To say the past 100 days has been easy would be a flat out lie. This has been the hardest thing I have ever done, but having the determination to do it is something that I am proud of.  A year ago today, I was miserable with myself and not able to look in the mirror. Now, I can actually look in the mirror and smile at the person staring back at me. It's a good feeling, a very good feeling. I've learned so much about myself and my willpower (which I thougth I had none of) has grown so much. I still enjoy the occasional splurge, but I'm always very aware of how much I'm eating and what it will cost me later.  Not much else to say today, just wanted to share that little tid bit! :) Have a wonderful day!

When slow and steady isn't good enough.

I read a lot of blogs on dieting, eating healthy and exercising. I also read some of the community posts on MyFitnessPal. What drives me crazy about some of the posts on MFP is  some of these people are so amped up and ready to lose weight that they will do anything. I know some of these people are "trolls" and are just doing it to get a rise out of the people on There, but I don't get it. When you eat such a small amount of calories, you are putting your body at risk, so what you lose 40 pounds in a month and you look great. The minute you start eating "normally"again it all comes back on.  A 500 calorie a day diet and vitamin injections? Nope, that's not OK no matter who is watching your diet. If a doctor approves that, you may want to verify his medical license. I used to be one of these people. I wanted to lose weight and I wanted to lose it as fast as possible, it would ultimately end in a binge and I would gain everything (PLUS ten pounds back). 1-2 ...

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. -Jim Ryan

That quote is true in so many ways. Motivation doesn't always stay with you, in fact it usually only lasts for a couple of weeks. I've said it in earlier posts about how previously when getting started I was super motivated, only to fail a month later. My main issue was I didn't set a schedule and I didn't put "fail safes" in  my plan. In fact, I don't think I really had a plan. "Eat less and work out" isn't a plan, no matter how you look at it when you are trying to lose weight and change your lifestyle. The past 4 months or so that I've been doing this I have really started to make myself stick to my habits. Every day I log onto MFP and I log my food, it's addictive. If I don't do it, I feel like something is missing and my day isn't complete. If I miss logging something I feel an intense guilt that makes me go back and log it.  I've also gotten into the habit of thinking about everything that I eat or drink. In the mo...

Krystale VS. Evil weight loss monitor thingymajig

So, we all know the thingymajig that I am talking about. That little thing with the handles that they use at the gym to tell your BMI and body fat percentage. Pure evil. I had bought one awhile back (before I started with MFP) thinking "This will be so great! I will be able to see my BMI go way down! woohoo!"  Yeah. A month into I started getting depressed. Two months into it I could barely look at that thing without wanting to throw it out the window. Hard. I know that it was my fault (I wasn't counting calories and I wasn't putting the effort into my weight loss ), I expected magic results just because I bought this little contraption.  It wasn't happening and I was getting so discouraged, I threw the thing in a drawer and forgot about it. I was always on the "high-very high" side.  This morning as I was getting ready for work I noticed it in the drawer and I thought "hm. It has been awhile, let's see what it is now.." Mind ...