Gym time?

I've decided to join the gym..yet again.  Like my relationship with food my relationship with the gym/exercise has always been an up and down struggle. When I first start I'm super pumped about it and will go every day, then slowly start to skip a day..skip another day, skip a week, skip another week and then I just don't go. Have you seen that commercial with the couple, where the wife asks the husband "so did you go to the gym today" and he comes up with all those excuses as to why he's not going. Yup, that's me to a T. Well, I've gotten to this point in my weight loss where I realized I have to start exercising regularly. None of this every other day for 20 minutes, I have to turn it into a habit. This is pretty similar to what I did when I first started calorie counting, I forced myself to do it and eventually it got to be like second nature, if I don't log onto MFP, my day is not complete and I feel off. Seriously.

So, I'm asking my lovely friends/readers to help me with this mission. It is so much easier to tell one person "I didn't feel like going today" or "I'm to tired today" it's a whole different story when I have to tell a whole group of people why I didn't go to the gym.  

I also want to get back to going to the gym to tone and to start training for my 10k that I'll be running in the spring (I haven't signed up for one yet). Any tips on working out at the gym would be much appreciated! :)


  1. I like to think of going to work out as part of my job. You can't just skip your job because you're tired or you don't feel like going. You HAVE to go. I work out every day M-F and have for the last 5 weeks. I actually am starting to crave it.


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