Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. -Jim Ryan

That quote is true in so many ways. Motivation doesn't always stay with you, in fact it usually only lasts for a couple of weeks. I've said it in earlier posts about how previously when getting started I was super motivated, only to fail a month later. My main issue was I didn't set a schedule and I didn't put "fail safes" in  my plan. In fact, I don't think I really had a plan. "Eat less and work out" isn't a plan, no matter how you look at it when you are trying to lose weight and change your lifestyle.

The past 4 months or so that I've been doing this I have really started to make myself stick to my habits. Every day I log onto MFP and I log my food, it's addictive. If I don't do it, I feel like something is missing and my day isn't complete. If I miss logging something I feel an intense guilt that makes me go back and log it.  I've also gotten into the habit of thinking about everything that I eat or drink. In the morning I used to have a cup of coffee with loads of sugar and skim milk. Now? I drink black tea. No sugar, milk or even honey (unless I have a sore throat, then I throw in some honey). Every now and then I'll have a juice or something, usually I drink water. The big thing that I cannot stress enough is to see food as calories and to THINK before you eat. I'm not saying to never indulge, but maybe only do it once a week.  I'm not an expert by any means, this is just what has really worked for me.

I've almost lost 20 pounds and I'm feeling better about myself than I have in a long time. My confidence is definitely improving, which is saying something. I don't think I am thin by any means but I don't feel fat anymore, maybe a bit chubby but I'll get to my goal. 

I want to say also again what a great inspiration it is to me to hear about my friends that are doing this as well. It helps so much to keep me going to hear what you all are doing. Thank you.


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