Krystale VS. Evil weight loss monitor thingymajig

So, we all know the thingymajig that I am talking about. That little thing with the handles that they use at the gym to tell your BMI and body fat percentage. Pure evil. I had bought one awhile back (before I started with MFP) thinking "This will be so great! I will be able to see my BMI go way down! woohoo!" 

Yeah. A month into I started getting depressed. Two months into it I could barely look at that thing without wanting to throw it out the window. Hard. I know that it was my fault (I wasn't counting calories and I wasn't putting the effort into my weight loss ), I expected magic results just because I bought this little contraption.  It wasn't happening and I was getting so discouraged, I threw the thing in a drawer and forgot about it. I was always on the "high-very high" side.  This morning as I was getting ready for work I noticed it in the drawer and I thought "hm. It has been awhile, let's see what it is now.." Mind you, my BMI the last time I measured was 28.5 and my body fat..well let's not go there. So this morning I said a little prayer before I turned the machine one and told myself "It's OK if it's still high, you are working on it" and to my pleasant surprise it was 24.2. No.Freaking.way. I am FINALLY in the "normal" range, no more am I in the "High-Very High range". Technically due to my height I am still overweight, but I have a normal BMI. I thought I was going to cry.  This is probably the first time I have been in the healthy range in about 4 years, it feels great.

Every week I almost look forward to weighing myself (really, did I just say that?) just to see what I've done so far. My cheekbones are starting to really have definition, as well as my collarbone. 

This is one of those days that I am happy with where I am and I a success.


  1. This is awesome! Where did you get this nifty contraption? My body fat scale sucks - I want something that will measure it accurately so I can see it go down down down.

    1. Thanks! I got mine at Amazon for fairly cheap! This is the one that I got:

      It IS good when you see it go down :)


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