Oh Christmas Cookie..

I made up a new song. "Oh Christmas cookie, Oh Christmas cookie..your icing is so fattening..Oh Christmas Cookie, Oh Christmas cookie, the butter is just so abundant..Oh Christmas cookie..Oh Christmas Cookie..you add 10 pounds to my hips..." 

If there is one thing I love about being Italian it's the food, ESPECIALLY the food around Christmas time. Pizelles? Could eat 100 of them at a time. Anisette cookies? Psh. I just finished a whole tray (Maybe not, but I could) Biscotti? Where's my coffee! They are just mighty addicting. A woman I work with so generously  brought in two trays of 4 different kinds of home made Italian cookies. Now, normally I'm a chocolate chip girl but these cookies are to.die.for.  I may have ate them instead of my yogurt and strawberries for breakfast. It's so hard to be a foodie and have to watch what you eat, however the past few days I haven't been watching anything but the fattening foods go into my mouth. Pizza, Ice cream cake, hashbrowns from McDonalds..oh yes, I went on a little binge ladies and gentlemen.  Not all in one day, but in a few days. The good thing? My clothes still fit and my pants are still loose *Phew*  however I need to get myself back on track....and those cookies did not help any.  I've been trying not to beat myself up to much over the amount of food that I've eaten in the past few days.. it was my husbands birthday after all and we did take a trip to NYC. So, I had a "bad" few days. I recognize that, I also recognize the fact that sometimes for your mental health, you just need to eat what you want.  What matters is that I logged everything, every delicious little morsel, I logged it. I went over every day for 4 days, but that's OK. I'm back, I'm here and I'm ready to get back on track. I'll have a salad for lunch today *like I did yesterday* and I'll cut down on my snacks. Just some changes that needed to be made. As for the gym, I haven't been able to go due to the plague that I have. I went once and I thought I was going to die right there on the treadmill,   it was not fun. So I decided that I have to start over when I'm not wheezing anymore and can actually breathe to run.

On a more serious note, I want to say that Fridays tragedy has struck me deeply. I can't stop thinking about the babies of Sandy Hook or the teachers that died to protect them. This is truly devastating, the thought that children aren't safe anywhere, anymore is terrifying. My thoughts and prayers are with those families and the entire town of NewTown.


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