Down a pants size.

While I haven't really noticed a difference in my actual weight, I've definitely noticed that I do feel a bit "smaller", so this morning when getting ready for work, I decided to try on a pair of my old work pants. These were my "fat" pants last year before I got pregnant but the past few months getting into them has been like stuffing a sausage. So I figured, well, what the hell, I will give them a shot. To my complete surprise, they fit. I mean, they aren't falling off of me and they are a bit tight, but I can button and zip them and wear them fairly comfortably! Woohoo. We are headed in the right direction! I have a long way to go before I can start feeling good about myself again, but this definitely helps. I've been really self conscious about what I look like, so I'm hoping I don't look AS bad in these pants. All I keep thinking about is when I was in the hospital after I  had my son, the nurse was helping me into the bathroom and remarked "Wow! You really are swollen all the way to your bottom!". Hm, not the best thing to say to someone who had just had a child and gone through three days of labor and then a c-section. Had I not been completely medicated, I probably would have said back to her "Nope, just have a big ass, thanks for noticing". So since then I keep thinking to myself "Are people thinking look at her swollen bottom!" when they see me in these pants..? I'm sure this is all in my head and I can totally laugh about my situation for the record. :)

The past week or so I've been really trying to be good about what I eat (during the day and at night), prior to this I had been really lacking in counting my calories and just basically gone rogue on MFP aka I didn't care if I went over. While I'm still not completely sticking to the under 2000 mark for calories (I usually go over, but not by that much) I'm being a lot better about what I eat. I mentioned before about buying a lot of organic/natural foods. Luckily, my husband has been on board for whatever crazy thing I feel the need to try. Well last night we had completely run out of rice (which usually never happens!) so I was stuck as to what I would make with our stir fry, then I remembered I had quinoa. I cooked some up and added to our stir fry and it actually came out really good! He didn't seem to mind it (though he does prefer rice) and it made me feel good that we were trying it because it IS quite a bit healthier for you than rice.

Another step I'm taking is going to be changing my schedule a bit. There is a gym in my building at work that opens at 5am. Getting to the gym at night has not been easy, frankly, I only have about 2 hours with the baby before he goes to bed and then about 3.5 hours with my husband. So I hate to spend that time at the gym and not with my family. So I made the decision to sacrifice a half hour of sleep to start going in the morning. I already get up at 5 AM, so this pushes it back to 4:30, but it's the only way I can do it. Plus, I'm sure that at 5AM the traffic should be great! ;)


  1. I have found I enjoy working out in the mornings more now (used to be an after work person), I get it done, and then after work I can do whatever, or just relax it's nice


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