Not a great day today.

I woke up today just plain exhausted, the last thing I wanted to do was drag myself to the gym. Seriously, it felt like I was putting myself through pure torture this morning. I didn’t let that stop me though; I still went to the gym. I won’t lie and say I turned it into the best work out ever, because I didn’t. I did the minimum that I could do with still working out, I just couldn’t push myself to go that extra mile this morning. Which I think is ok, I’m not beating myself up over this. I had a bad workout, I think it’s allowed.  I think every now and then I’m allowed to be a little tired and to not give it all I have. With one rule, I give it all I have tomorrow. I need to make my work out tomorrow the best one so far, in order to make up for the one that I slacked on this morning.

I’ve been eating well (with the exception of indulging a bit on Mother’s Day, but I’m a Mom so I’m allowed!) and keeping portion sizes down to a normal level. Eating more fruits and vegetables which is great. I have really also been cutting down on salt and not even putting it on the table when we’re having dinner. Small changes is the only way to go for me.

I also am happy to say that I finally lost a pound! I am down to 59 pounds to lose and that feels good to me! For some reason the number 60 is so much more daunting than 59, I know how weird that sounds trust me. I know for a lot of people they say that focusing on a number is a bad thing and you should just go with what works for you, but I can’t help it. The numbers are what keeps me going and so I continue to focus on the numbers. I’m slowly going to chip away at that large number until it’s down to 0.


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