Moving in a positive direction!

Here we are at Thursday and week one of cracking down and going to the gym has been a success! I won't go tomorrow, because I work from home but I've made it three days this week. This is a huge accomplishment for me as I haven't really been pushing myself to go since the baby was born... or even since I found out I was pregnant, honestly. While getting up at 4:30 really isn't fun, it's not bad either. I've also started taking vitamins and taking my thyroid medicine normally again(I have a condition called Hypothyroidism which basically means my thyroid doesn't work the way it should. I end up feeling sluggish and tired all the time) I think all of these things (including drinking over 120 oz of water a day!!) have been helping me feel really great this week! I am tired by 9:30ish but that's ok,  during the day I am more alert and awake which leads to me really being able to get things done (both at work and at home). I also am noticing my body is definitely responding to me working out and eating better this week too! I am totally feeling a bit "lighter" these days, which is a GREAT confidence booster for me. 

Another thing I've been trying to focus on as well has been my focus. So, I realized that I was spending way to much time on my smart phone (facebook pretty much) and not actually paying attention to what was going on in my life. I realized it when I saw a picture of me feeding the baby but also on my phone at the same time. It just hit me that so much of my life revolves around facebook or social media ( I realize that it'll be ironic, since I'm posting this to facebook ;) ). I decided earlier this week to shut my phone off (or completely limit my use of it) after 7PM at night. I need deadlines or I push the envelope, I can't just say "I'll only be on for a few hours today"  I need to give myself a time that I can't be on my phone anymore and 7PM is good since that's when I'm spending my quality time with the baby and my husband. I've realized that by doing this (granted, last night I had to leave it on but I didn't look at it , unless it was urgent/good reason) I'm getting more done at night and paying more attention to my family. I've also noticed my stress levels have come down now that I'm not trying to squeeze in so many things and I'm focusing on one task at a time. It's really been helpful for me!  I'm not sure how long I'll end up doing this, but it just feels good to be doing it right now. :)

So things are coming together! I'm feeling very positive this week!


  1. Krystale, I love what you had to say! I like your plan this week, only do what you can! I love what you said about FB, I completely understand! I need to start limiting to only certain times of the day. I want to make sure I get enough snuggle time with my babies:-) Keep it up girl! You are amazing!


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