In case you were curious about my workout today.
I kept my promise to myself, I went to the gym this morning and put all I had into my workout. I think I definitely needed to let myself "off the hook" mentally to get back into it, if that makes any sense. I'm really happy with how I did, I did 10 minutes of cardio to warm up and then the rest of the time I did resistance training and focused on my arms. I can see that I am getting stronger and the amount that I can lift is slowly going up. It's all about my attitude and keeping positive, I had a few comments on my blog post yesterday about how any work out is better than none and they were totally right. At least I got up and got out there. Sometimes I just need a reality check that this is what I have to do if I want to lose weight and feel better about myself. If I want to be healthy.
In other news, the size 14 pants are fitting quite nicely today, even better than last week! I tried on a pair of my size 12 pants and I can put them on, but they are super tight (like omgican'tevenbreatheinthese tight) but I'm getting there! 1 month ago I couldn't even pull them up over my hips - progress, people! Progress!
So that's that! Just a quick update on today :) Thanks for the support everyone! It is what keeps me going most days!
In other news, the size 14 pants are fitting quite nicely today, even better than last week! I tried on a pair of my size 12 pants and I can put them on, but they are super tight (like omgican'tevenbreatheinthese tight) but I'm getting there! 1 month ago I couldn't even pull them up over my hips - progress, people! Progress!
So that's that! Just a quick update on today :) Thanks for the support everyone! It is what keeps me going most days!
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