I am my own worst critic.

I really am my own worst critic, the things that I *think* other people are saying about me, are nothing compared to what I'm saying to myself in my head. I posted an article yesterday about calling yourself fat and how it's detrimental. It is, it's insulting and degrading, Regardless of whether I'm overweight or not, if someone else called me fat, well I'd probably not have the nicest words to say to them.   Yet, I'm constantly in my head saying "you're fat"  "Look at that stomach, ugh.  It's never going to get back to normal" "You'll never look good again" <-seriously, these are the things that run through my head. No wonder I haven't had much success in weight loss, I'm beating myself down before I even get the chance to start. I even read through my recap of last week I wrote yesterday and it totally screamed "I'm not worth it". I lost 3 freakin pounds last week! I should be celebrating and be excited for myself! Not saying "eh it's a start", that is a great start! I'm constantly cheering my friends and family on when they are doing things to better themselves, I try to be incredibly supportive.. to everyone else. To myself I am my own worst enemy and the one thing that gets in the way of my weight loss. This is a journey and a slow one at that, I gained this weight and I'm going to lose it. No one else can do that for me.

So, instead of telling myself that I'm fat and I'm never going to get anywhere I'm going to start telling myself how great I'm doing, cheering myself on. Being negative truly does not get you anywhere,  it's like standing still and expecting the ground to move for you.

For today, I did a 5k this morning, I did it in 45 minutes, which is not fast. I struggled through it, I really almost quit a lot and I did intervals instead of running straight through, but I did it. This is a start and it's a good one. I'm slow as a turtle, but I'm doing it. 

So there's my thought for today, be more positive. It will help.


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