A morning full of Ugh.

Ugh was my first thought this morning when my alarm started blaring at 4:05. I was in possibly the deepest sleep I have ever been in, dreaming about some strange thing that my fuzzy brain couldn't hold onto once awake. I dragged myself out of bed and into the bathroom where the light was too bright and the floor was too cold. I sat on the bathroom floor trying to will myself awake, all the while my mind is fighting with me coming up with a thousand excuses as to why I shouldn't work out this morning. "I'm too tired" "I have a headache" "I have a stomachache" this went on for about 5-10 minutes, me arguing with myself. I finally got up and attempted to put in my contacts, 3 tries to shove the little lenses into my puffy half open eyes. 

Downstairs I went and got my things together, I opened the door to leave and "Ugh, it's snowing". My job is incredibly flexible in that as long as my manager is traveling, I can work from home if I choose. Again, battling with myself "I should work from home, what if this gets bad?" "I can work  out here, I don't need to go all the way to the gym". I convinced myself to leave and come to work to use the gym. The drive wasn't fun, though.  It is fairly icy out and I did have to go slower than I normally would. Plus, I was caught behind the cavalry of salt trucks on the highway. Lovely. Luckily they were staggered so that I could pass them and move along. I got to the gym late and I just couldn't will myself to get onto the treadmill, I have been having a challenge with myself to get 15k steps every day and the majority of those steps are in the morning when I'm jogging on the treadmill. I just couldn't do it. I know my body and I know that this was something I couldn't push myself to do. So I ended up doing an upper body/arm workout from my book that I got for Christmas from a good friend. While I was doing the workout I felt good, I was glad I pushed myself this morning.

So I pushed and here I am, I'm still feeling half awake and I'm already more than halfway through my coffee, I may need to have two today. But, I did SOMETHING. I got  up and pushed myself to do something that I really wasn't feeling motivated to do. This is how I feel I am changing, changing my attitude and changing my outlook. 



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