Mind Body and Soul.. it all needs an update..

Happy 2015! Wow, so hard to believe that we are back in January again. I have a serious love/hate relationship with this month. Hate because I can't stand the bitter winter cold/snow etc. Love because I feel like January always brings out the best attitudes. It's a new year, numero uno, the first chance this year to make a big change in your life. By February things change and those resolutions usually fall to the wayside and by March, well it's all forgotten. January is just the beginning and beginnings are good, beginnings can lead to progress especially if you have a fresh attitude.

 I think about this time last year, I was a brand new mom (I say brand new because I still consider myself a new mom, but I've learned a thing or two over the year) and I was dealing with all of these emotions and dealing with very little sleep. Things were not happy and joyful for me, I had a hard time adjusting. I loved my baby boy with all my heart but there was more to it than that, there was those 12:30, 3:30 and 6:30 am feedings to deal with.. there was the struggle with breastfeeding and pumping, there was trying to figure out how to be a wife AND a mother at the same time. It was all to much, I had such a hard time and a year later I'm finally figuring it out. Finally coming out of the "new Mom" fog, took long enough eh?  I also had to deal with my body that had changed drastically after pregnancy, that whole "I'm going to eat right during pregnancy" thing went out the window and by the 9th month I was wayyy bigger than I should have been. So last year around this time my body was still recovering from major surgery and I was dealing with postpartum hormones and I said to myself "I'm going to change I'm going to lose all this baby weight by 2015!" That didn't happen. I lost some weight, don't get me wrong I'm not as big as I was this time last year, but I am still way bigger than I want to be. I'm still..fat. My stomach still doesn't have really any muscle to it at all and I'm still struggling with how to handle it all. I have had a lot of friends say to me "you've done it before, you can do it again!" well that's not necessarily true. I've lost weight before, however, when I lost weight before the only priority I had at that time was me and losing weight. That was my one and only focus, I woke up and knew that I was going to be able to get to the gym and planned how well I would eat that day. Oh how things have changed, my priorities have changed drastically. My priorities are way different now, losing weight and becoming healthier have just fallen down to the bottom of the list. My husband and son are at the top and sometimes I forget that I count too. That I should also be a priority. I forget that it's ok for me to be selfish and put myself first sometimes, because I deserve that too.

So I made my resolution to get healthy in 2015 and that includes mentally as well. It includes reconnecting with myself and doing the things that I enjoy as well. One of those things includes yoga, I used to love doing yoga. I have 2 studios within walking distance of my house, yet I haven't taken a class in over 3 years. I also have a barre studio within walking distance, I keep telling myself that I'm going to take a class..yet.. I haven't. Well I'm going to get back into that this year, I work from home on Fridays and there is no reason for me to skip a work out, just because I'm not at work (where my gym is). I can take a class on Friday mornings.  I honestly think doing these things for myself will help me become a better wife and mom as well. Focusing on me will help me be a better person overall and I won't feel so rundown all the time. 

I have started taking my iron 2x a day and my updated thyroid medicine. I do feel a difference, by the end of the day (or actually middle of the day) I'm not feeling like a zombie anymore and that in itself is a big improvement for me. I am hoping it can only get better from here.

Another resolution I made for 2015 was to become more organized, my life is in disarray most days. I'm not the most organized person in the world and will often make excuses as to why I can't get organized. So, I'm trying to set up a plan to get myself back into habits that will keep me organized and keep me from losing things.

So there you have it. My plan for 2015. I'm determined to not be one of those resolutioners who forgets about everything by March, I'm taking the bull by the horns so to speak and I'm going to make things happen.


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