It's not easy, but it's worth it.

Yesterday started my day of really cracking down and not using any excuses. I had a good day, I was up at 4:05 (yes, AM) and was at the gym by 5:15. I did the treadmill for a half an hour, I felt really good! I did some interval training to start getting back on track, I can really feel the weight on me when I run so it's become a bit more difficult. Ate great the entire day, came home and had dinner (which was really good as well!) and did the 21 day fix total body cardio fix. I was in a pretty bad mood after that, just being tired and hangry (nope not a typo) all got to me. So I went to bed early and got up this morning to start all over again. 

Today was a bit tougher, I wasn't as bright and perky when I woke up. I'm pretty sure I did not actually wake up until I had been on the treadmill for about 10 minutes. I did NOT want to run/jog or anything this morning, I really just wanted to lay on the mat after I finished stretching and stay there. I did my interval training again this morning though and I finished. This will be hard and I will have days when I just.. can't do it, but I will have to anyways. I won't give up on myself. To help with some motivation, I took pictures this morning with just my sports bra and shorts on. It was..shocking to say the least. I realized I've looked at myself but I haven't really been seeing myself. Well if I ever needed anything to push me, that is definitely something to use.

Today should go a bit smoother with my eating than yesterday, yesterday I didn't give myself much to eat at all. See, I'm doing the 21 day fix combined with Shakeology. I know, I've talked in the past about how I couldn't see myself doing this stuff again, but, my body really needed that extra push. I've got a friend that's helping me with it and I'm in a couple groups to help (including a Biggest Loser Challenge!). So with the 21 day fix, I'm really trying to follow the plan, but yesterday I didn't give myself enough food. One of the reasons I was probably so tired and not in a great mood even after a work out. So today, I brought way more in and am going to trust in the plan that it DOES work. 



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