And it's been awhile..

It sure has, I apologize for my absence! I've been trying to think of things to write about that aren't the same things over and over again. I'm still keeping up with my calorie counting (for the most part) and working out every now and then (trying to get back into that groove is difficult). I have been doing much better with what I'm eating though, I'll have a few days where I fall off, but I get right back up and move forward. There is no sense in looking back because I cannot change the past

I'm also working on my self image and how I see myself, this is the toughest part. I was very close to 200 pounds when I started this journey a year and a half ago. Very close. I see pictures now and it's I have to kind of force myself to look at them, which is sad because most of them are from when my son was a newborn, so I feel like I should love looking at them and remembering how small and cuddly he was instead of focusing on how big I was. It's tough though, it really is and in some ways, sometimes..I still see myself that way when I look in the mirror. I'm getting better at focusing on the good things though and building up my confidence. It takes time, but I'm getting there. 

Onward and upward my friends.. 


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