Any progress is good progress!

So it's been over a week since I did the detox, I've definitely made changes in my eating habits and have really started to take my overall health into account (and not just my weight). This includes mental health as well as physical, I mean it when I say, I don't want to just lose weight I want to be healthy. So I went away this weekend and I definitely ate (and drank) without abandon. It was fun, but I could feel myself slipping back into my old habits. The last few days I've been really not paying much attention to what I've been eating and using the lack of schedule as an excuse. Well now I'm back on schedule so I have no excuses anymore. I'm wearing a dress  that I wore a lot last year and it does feel a lot different on me, I feel better with it on and more confident, this totally helps boost my confidence levels!  I've kept up with lowering my carb consumption, I can definitely feel it on the days that I overdo it (sluggish/tired) and it just isn't what I want to be feeling anymore. So I'm just focusing on one step at a time. I'm trying not to weigh myself because I get so obsessed with the scale and just let whatever will be, will be. 

On another note, I've been meal planning (and actually sticking with it!) out of the Weight Watchers cook book and it is awesome! The recipes are coming out very good and It's been helping me stay on track a lot. I still follow and get recipes from but it's always good to have some variety in there! 

So that's all I have for today, thank you for sticking with me on this crazy journey and because I'm feeling confident today here's a pic of me in said dress :)


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