Detox: Day 2

Yesterday was day 2 of the detox and it was definitely challenging for me. I had a few hurdles to get through but with each craving I'm dismissing, I'm learning more. We happened to have a catered lunch with Panera for a meeting I was attending. Normally this would throw everything out the window and I'd grab a sandwich (yum) some chips (yum) and a cookie (YUM). Instead, I brought my chicken with salad on top to the meeting and ate that instead. I also was at an advantage since I was sitting as far away from the food as possible, that really helped. 

Once I got out of work I thought I was in the clear, then I hit traffic. LOTS and LOTS of traffic. TWO hours worth of traffic, which sent my stress levels soaring. The pressure of getting to pick up my son,getting home, getting the dogs fed and taken out as well as making dinner really started to get to me. So once I got home all I wanted was the things I shouldn't be having. The sugar, the wine, the cheese (If I have a vice it is those three things!) I almost broke. I was so close. But then I started asking myself "why do you want these things? " and "What is eating going to accomplish? How will you feel after?" I realized the answer was that I would feel worse after than I felt right now. I would honestly feel so badly about falling off on only the 2nd day. It helped. I was able to say no, I also was able to resist taking "taste tests" of my husband and son's dinner that I was preparing and stick to my turkey nuggets with kale/Brussels sprouts. This is pretty huge in itself that normally I am snacking here and there while cooking. I feel that for the first time I am actually looking into why I overeat and recognizing it, I'm calling myself out on it and really accounting for the feelings that I have. I know I do not have a healthy relationship with food right now, so this has been a great experience to change that.  

Today comes with its own set of challenges, I'm working from home and this is one of the key times that I break. Mainly because there is food in my house and I don't have to eat what I planned on necessarily. So far, I'm doing great. I am confident that I can get this done. 

I also want to touch on the way I'm feeling, because this is huge. I have had a thyroid issue for years, it's gone up and down. I have an issue where I am always tired no matter what I do. Usually by the end of the day I am in a haze, the only way I can explain it is it feels like when you take nyquil and don't get enough sleep. Except that's just how I feel all the time. I haven't felt like that at all the past 2 days, don't get me wrong by the end of the day I'm tired, but I feel like it's a normal tired. I feel like this is how tired is supposed to feel and how people actually feel when they are tired and not the feeling I get. I know there is a lot of research that has been done linking gluten and thyroid disease but I never really thought it would have this much of an effect. I don't feel any different physically except that I am definitely less bloated. I also haven't had any major blood sugar spikes in the past 2 days, which is crazy to me, I felt like something this drastic would have me shaking and feeling like I was going to pass out all the time. It hasn't happened yet though, if I feel myself getting really hungry I have a tablespoon of Peanut Butter (just peanuts, no sugar or anything added) or a handful of almonds. 

So all in all, day 2 was a major success. Here's hoping day 3 is just as good! 


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