Day 3-5 of the Detox and final thoughts

The weekends go by way too quickly, how is it already Monday? 

Anyway. I  didn't update on the other days of the detox because mainly it was the same thing over and over again and figured I'd save it all for one lump post.  So, the final three days of the detox were difficult, but each day got slightly easier. I didn't break, but day 5 was a bit looser than the rest of the week. I'm proud that I did the detox because it taught me a lot about myself and my eating habits. It helped me realize that I need to think before I take a bite and that I don't necessarily need to be full to be satisfied after a meal. I felt better than I have in a very long time and that is something I want to continue on. So, ready for the results of this lovely detox? Here you go:

I lost 7 pounds altogether. Now, the majority of that is water weight I'm sure but still, a loss is a loss right? Granted, this brings me back to where I was before I got off track (Oh yes, I was very,very off track) so I'm at a good starting point again.

 I did my grocery shopping on Saturday and I'm pretty sure the girl at the register probably hated me because I was buying so much produce. Oh well! I meal planned Saturday and bought what I needed. I am ready to start this week and stay on track! Last night I even made a healthy corn,potato, bacon chowder as well as a weight watchers apple pie. I'm setting myself up for success this week and I just have to focus on getting there. 

Well, that's where I am for today, folks! Thanks for hanging in with me on this journey!  Until next time.. 


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