A good night..followed by a not so good Morning.

Isn't that the way it always goes? You have a great night and then something comes along to tear it down a bit.

Hubs and I went out for our Anniversray dinner last night, it was wonderful. It was so nice to just be together and celebrate our first year of Marriage. I love being married, I love saying I'm married, I love my last name..everything about it. I like saying to people "this is my Husband". It doesn't hur that I hit the jackpot with my guy. He is amazing, really and truly. He makes me laugh more than anyone else and is so damn smart, that sometimes it drives me crazy ;).

However, after a lovely night out.. we went to bed and I woke up at 3:30 in the morning with a massive headcahe and a fever (I thought it might have been a slight hangover at first 4 glasses of wine can do that to a girl!) but the fever probably would not account for that. Anyway, I took some advil and drank a bottle of water and went back to sleep. I woke up exhausted and sore, so I'm definitely thinking I have some type of bug. 

Oh well, I'm just plugging through work, hoping 5 PM comes faster then it should.


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