
Hooray, today is Friday! Even better, today is Friday before a long weekend! I am more than a little excited to have this three day weekend.  It is supposed to be really good weather as well, so I'm going to get outside as much as possible

I had a doctors appt yesterday and found out that the Asthma I had thought went away has come back. I knew it had, since the night before I couldn't stop coughing after a run and I've been wheezing like an 80 year old smoker for the past few weeks. So the Dr. put me on two inhalers one for daily use and one as a "Rescue" or to also use before I work out. I'm hoping this will help me to be able to run a bit faster since I will not be gasping for breath the entire time.  

So I did not get to run last night since the Dr told me it probably wouldn't be a good idea and to just wait a day until my chest was feeling a bit better. Today it is better, but I am having dinner with my aunt and I'm not sure what time I will get home. BUT I am definitely doing it tomorrow! I have errands to run(not literally ha ha) but after that I am going to run like the wind! :)

Anyway, don't have much else to say today.

That's all she wrote. Have a good weekend.


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